FLNR Type æ
FLNR Type æ
Dont Give Up
FREE ︎ Digital download
The phrase “Dont give up the ship” was written on a American naval flag in 1813. It’s a battle cry. And a call for preseverance. Adapted into a full digital typeface, these vintage handstitched typeforms hold character and power. Stick with it and you will be victorious.
Open Type File
Uppercase & numerals
Creative Commons-licensed
34 Glyphs

FREE ︎ Digital download
There are 142 years of handlettering at San Francisco’s Dolphin Club. Here they are collected as a digital typeface. Tracing out club records, rules, warnings, and welcomes at the famed non-profit, these are the letters of people who love the sea.
True Type File
Uppercase & Small Caps
Creative Commons-licensed
103 Glyphs
Bay Capitals
FREE ︎ Digital download
Inspired by maritime signage across San Francisco Bay, these simple caps-only* letters are designed to STAND OUT. Crafted in 2022 and extended in 2024, Bay Capitals currently support German, Norwegian, Spanish, and even Old English. From SF to the world, this ongoing type design project is Zack McCune’s default typeface with an ever expanding international glyph inventory and improving global functionality.
True Type File
Uppercase-only with Extended Latin Support
Creative Commons-licensed
189 Glyphs
*Ð is also available as ð cuz they are both beauties